Geotechnical Engineering

Categories of technology seeds
Ground investigationSoil mechanics


豊田 浩史

TOYOTA Hirofumi

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Associate Professor

高田 晋




Civil engineering, Geotechnical engineering: 1. Soil mechanics, 2. Tunnel engineering

Research areas

Shield tunnelling method, Pipe jacking method,
Mechanical properties of saturated and unsaturated soils, Deformation characteristics of soils in small strain, Liquefaction of sandy soils

Main facilities

X-ray camera (300kVA), Total station with automatic tracking system,
Ring shear apparatus, Hollow cylinder torsional shear apparatus, Triaxial apparatus with local small strain measurement and the bender element.

Forte of this laboratory's study

Simulation on shield behavior, Control of shield, Analysis considering the interaction between TBM, lining and ground,
Element tests for soil strength, Small strain measurement for soil specimen, Bender element tests for soils

Achivements/proposals via industry-academia collabolations

Theoretical and empirical study on shield behavior based on kinematic mechanics for construction of underground infrastructure in urban area,
Design method of segmental lining for deep underground tunnel,
Measurement of mechanical properties of soils, Estimation of ground stability considering unsaturated soils, Liquefaction risk assessment

Areas interesting to interact with

Analysis, test and exmination on shield tunnelling method and pipe jacking method,
Soil testing and ground investigation methods, Soil samples from problematic grounds


Many corpolative reseach activities in urban tunnelling with owners, general construction companies, and consulting companies,
Soil testing and ground investigations considering site conditions

  • Shield simulatorShield simulator
  • Shield machineShield machine
  • Hollow cylinder torsional shear apparatusHollow cylinder torsional shear apparatus
  • Faillure surface of unsaturated soil in three principal stress spaceFaillure surface of unsaturated soil in three principal stress space
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