NUT's SDGs educational materials has exhibited in public


 その活動の中で、本学が主体となり開発した親子向けSDGs教育教材を2017年11月24日(金)~26日(日)の3日間、テレコムセンタービル(東京都江東区青海)で開催された日本最大級のサイエンスコミュニケーションイベント「サイエンスアゴラ 2017(科学技術振興機構主催)」に、出典し、サイエンスアゴラ賞を受賞しました。


使用イベント 「第36回平和と人権展」ワークショップ
開催日 2018年7月30日~8月3日
開催場所 アリオ鳳 1階グリーンコート(堺市西区鳳南町)
使用イベント 山口ゆめ花博
開催日 2018年9月14日~11月4日(宇部高専出展期間:9月19日~9月24日)
開催場所 山口きらら博記念公園(山口県山口市阿知須)


 ☆SDGs サイコロ(日) 各面にそれぞれ17の持続可能な開発目標(SDGs)が書かれており、組み立てると 20面のサイコロになります。
 ☆SDGs 17のクエッションカード 2019年8月ver.5(日英併記)
 ☆SDGs 17のクエッションカード・答え 2019年8月訂正版ver.5(日)
 ☆SDGs 塗り絵 2019年8月


 長岡技術科学大学 高専-長岡技大グローカルプロジェクト

 Nagaoka University of Technology (NUT) has been proactively moving forward on its projects setting our missions which is to achieve "Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)" as the foundation of our engineering education system.
 SDGs are a collection of 17 global goals set by the United Nations Development Programme on September, 2015 as 2030 Agenda which also previously known as a paradigm carried on as Millennium Development Goals(MDGs) adapted back in 2001.
 As one of our SDGs projects, NUT participated the biggest science communication event in Japan “ Science Agora 2017( Hosted by Japan Science & Technology Agency)“ held at Telecom Center Building (2-5-10, Aomi, Koto-ku, Tokyo) on November, 2017. *1SDGs educational materials for parent-child collaboration, which initially created by NUT from the past projects, was introduced to the visitors and brought us to receive “ Science Agora Award “
 NUT`s SDGs educational materials has been used as a part of following events as we received requests from, therefore we would like to inform you hereby with detail information.

~ Providing destinations of NUT`s SDGs educational materials ~

   Sakai city held an exhibition with respect to peace and human rights on July 30th to August 3rd, 2018. As one part of the event, NUT`s educational material was used in the workshop session.
 ■National Institute of Technology, UBE College (Ube KOSEN)(YAMAGUCHI, JAPAN)
   “Yamaguchi Yume Flower Expo” is taking place on September 14th to November 4th ,2018. Ube KOSEN is taking one prat of exhibition on Sep. 19th to 24th, interacting with NUT`s SDGs educational materials.
   [Yamaguchi Yume Flower Expo] Home Page
 ■OSAKA IZUMI Co-operative Society (IZUMI, OSAKA)
   Osaka Izumi Co-operative Society is approaching to develop regional own SDGs study materials and NUT`s SDGs educational materials was facilitated for their approach.

~List of SDGs educational materials~

 ☆SDGs Dice
 ☆SDGs 17 Question Card
 ☆Answer for SDGs17 Question Card
 ☆SDGs Coloring

~Contact information~

(※「★」を「@」に置き換えて下さい。)  Nagaoka University of Technology, NUT-KOSEN Glocal ( Global + Local) project