Nagaoka University of Technology Technology seeds

Technology seeds ~Study introduction~

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Technology to create humans: Safety and toxicity testing using iPS cells and microfabrication

Stem Cell Technology Laboratory

Categories of technology seeds


大沼 清

OHNUMA Kiyoshi

Department of Science of Technology Innovation/ Department of Materials Science and Bioengineering

Associate professor



stem cell engineering

Research areas

We aim to understand the mechanisms of human body formation and regeneration by reproducing (mimicking), and to apply them to medical engineering.
Toward this goal, compounds, microprocessing, and xeno-transplantation are applied to the human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells and their derivative cells to reproduce human organ/tissue development and regeneration.

Main facilities

cell culture
optical microscope
Fabrication of microfluidic channels
Molecular biology
transplantation of cells

Forte of this laboratory's study

Cell culture,
Serum-free and feeder-free culture of cells,
Live cell imaging,

Achivements/proposals via industry-academia collabolations

We have collaborated with industry to develop culture media for human iPS cells, organ-on-a-chip, etc. We hope to build further collaboration in organ chips and human tissue (heart) transplants on fish.

Areas interesting to interact with

Microfluidic devices
Biocompatible materials
Animal alternatives
Fish farming

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