Study on analysis and evaluation of worker and machinery behavior using quantitative measurements in Behavior Analysis

Behavior-Based Safety (BBS)

Categories of technology seeds
System Safety
Safety of machinery


北條 理恵子

HOJO Rieko




Research areas

In our laboratory, we study the analysis and evaluation of worker and machine behavior using quantitative measurements called Behavior Analysis (BA). In particular, we analyze human behavior using ABC model in BA. Also we are working to reinforce safe behavior and reduce unsafe behavior. We also examine why people engage in unsafe behavior using objective indicators such as human behavior and biomarkers, as well as subjective evaluation indicators such as well-being and stress. In addition, we are researching what procedures are needed to transform unsafe behavior into safe behavior.

Main facilities

Non-invasive devices that measure medical indicators (vital signs)
Blood pressure monitor, blood oxygen saturation monitor, thermometer

Forte of this laboratory's study

1) Quantitative evaluation of human behavior
2) Various psychological surveys on well-being, stress, etc.
3) Psychological experiment design and statistical analysis of results
4) Risk assessment for users according to work procedures
5) Workplace improvement activities using behavioral analysis methods

Achivements/proposals via industry-academia collabolations

My previous job was at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (government), and my experiments were conducted in the private manufacturing and construction industries, so research members are often a mix of industry, academia, and government. I believe that we have a very broad and profound research system in place, based on views from various fields.

Areas interesting to interact with

1) Statistical analysis expert
2) Expert in various psychological research
3) Machine safety evaluation
4)Construction safety evaluation
5) Occupational safety consultant
6) International standards specialist


In order to use a machine safely, it is necessary to devise the specifications of the machine itself and how to operate and operate it. On top of that, we add various protective devices to create a completely safe system. However, no matter how much we create machines with safety as the top priority, all efforts will be wasted if the person using the machine acts unsafely with the machine. In order for people to work safely, their behavior needs to change. My specialty, industrial safety behavior analysis, is a field of study that views people as part of a system and systematically implements procedures to strengthen safe behavior and reduce unsafe behavior by changing the surrounding environment. By quantitatively measuring behavior and repeatedly analyzing and evaluating it, it becomes possible to predict future behavior.

  • From uncountable Performance to countable target behaviorFrom uncountable Performance to countable target behavior
  • Fusion of machinery safety and BBSFusion of machinery safety and BBS
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