- 【Me】…Mechanical Engineering
- 【El】…Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineering
- 【Ma】…Materials Science and Technology
- 【Ci】…Civil and Environmental Engineering
- 【Bi】…Bioengineering
- 【In】…Information and Management Systems Engineering
- 【Nu】…Nuclear System Safety Engineering
- 【Sc】…Science of Technology Innovation
- 【Sy】…System Safety
- asphalt
- Highway Engineering【Ci】
- asphalt mixture
- Highway Engineering【Ci】
- Abnormal decision making
- Economical sociology【In】
- AI (Artificial Intelligence)
- Image Information System Laboratory【El】
- Acoustic and audio processing
- Signal Processing Application Laboratory【El】
- accident description framework
- All Solid Battery
- Functional Glass Engineering Laboratory【Ma】
- Antarctic ice sheet
- aromatic compounds
- Laboratory of Applied and Environmental Microbiology【Ma】
- Agriculture, Forestry and fisheries
- Anaerobic digestion
- Aqua and Soil Environmental Microbiology Lab【Ci】
- Building greening
- Laboratry of Applied Plant Biotechnology【Ma】
- Breeding in moss plants
- Laboratry of Applied Plant Biotechnology【Ma】
- behavior selection
- brain function measurement
- Brain-Computer Interfaces
- Biosensors
- Material Laboratory for Bioengineering【Ma】 Laboratory of Environmental Biochemistry【Ma】 Laboratory for Biological Motility【Ma】
- Biomarker
- Laboratory of Glycobiology【Ma】
- Business model
- Brain-Machine Interfaces
- Chemical Mechanical Polishing
- Crystal Engineeering Laboratory【Me】
- Control of orientation and 3D structure
- cognitive architecture
- Perceptual Informatics Labolatory【In】
- Coastal Engineering
- hydraulic disaster prevention laboratory【Ci】
- Chaos, Fractals
- Cavitation
- climate
- Computational Neurosciece
- Crystallization
- Functional Glass Engineering Laboratory【Ma】
- communication field
- Concrete
- Concrete structures
- CO2 reduction
- Catalyst
- crop grwoth monitoring
- Control Theory
- Cutting and grinding
- Precision machining and mechanism Lab.【Me】
- Communication network
- Communication quality measurement
- Combustion Safety
- corrosion evaluation
- Steel Structure and Bridge Laboratory【Ci】
- Continuum mechanics
- data mining
- Perceptual Informatics Labolatory【In】
- Digital Twin
- Environment and Process Design Laboratory【Sc】
- Development of blue flowerd moth orchid
- Laboratry of Applied Plant Biotechnology【Ma】
- Defence of infection
- Laboratory of Glycobiology【Ma】
- Disaster revitalizataion
- Snow engineering laboratory【Me】
- Design Optimization
- Development of new trait plants
- Laboratry of Applied Plant Biotechnology【Ma】
- Disaster mitigation
- Devices Based on Biological Function
- Dynamics
- data management
- data linkage
- Digital filter
- Signal Processing Application Laboratory【El】
- Distributed Generation
- Electrical Power Engineering Laboratory【El】
- Disaster resilience and reconstruction planning
- Earth system
- Electronic Materials
- eye tracking
- Perceptual Informatics Labolatory【In】
- Energy Conversion Materials
- Environment and Process Design Laboratory【Sc】
- Environmental purification technology
- Environment and Process Design Laboratory【Sc】
- energy harvesting
- Energy Material Lab.【Me】
- education
- Perceptual Informatics Labolatory【In】
- Energy Harvesting and Thermoelectric conversion
- Epigenetics
- Plant Epigenetic Engineering Laboratory【Ma】
- Environmental planning
- Social System Management Laboratory【Ci】
- Environmental analysis
- environmental microbes
- Laboratory of Applied and Environmental Microbiology【Ma】 Aqua and Soil Environmental Microbiology Lab【Ci】
- Environmental change
- Erosion detection
- Electrostatic accelerator
- Accelerator applications and novle material design laboratory【Nu】
- Emergence
- Earth science
- Energy storage system
- electromagnetic analysis
- Electrical equipment
- Electric Engineering
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- Electromagnetic wave
- Metamaterials Laboratory【El】
- Expression
- Foreignness
- Functional glycan
- Laboratory of Glycobiology【Ma】
- Field survey and damage investigation
- Flexible Joint Robots
- Forming
- Fuel cell
- Fricton
- Fluid Machinery
- Computational Fluid Dynamics Laboratory【Sc】 Computational Fluid Dynamics Laboratory【Me】
- Fluid Mechanics
- Gallium Nitride
- Crystal Engineeering Laboratory【Me】
- Gene modified plants
- Plant Epigenetic Engineering Laboratory【Ma】
- Genetic engineering
- Plant Epigenetic Engineering Laboratory【Ma】
- Green synthetic process
- Organic Reaction Design and Synthesis Laboratory【Ma】
- Gas-Liquid Two Phase Flow
- Groupware
- Genome editing
- Plant Epigenetic Engineering Laboratory【Ma】
- Green energy
- Ground investigation
- Geotechnical Engineering【Ci】
- Hybrid Materials
- Environment and Process Design Laboratory【Sc】
- heat storage material
- Energy Material Lab.【Me】
- High temperature structural material ・ Laser CVD
- Hard coating thin film
- Hydrogen Technology
- Hydrogen combustion
- Hydraulics
- hydraulic disaster prevention laboratory【Ci】
- Heavy snow disaster
- Human Interface
- Hologram
- Innovation safety
- Field System Management Laboratory【Sy】
- IoT/Smart Factory
- Environment and Process Design Laboratory【Sc】
- IoT (Internet of Things)
- Image Information System Laboratory【El】
- IT business strategy
- isoprene rubber
- Laboratory of Applied and Environmental Microbiology【Ma】
- Innovation
- Innovation management
- Interface chemistry
- Surface and interface chemistry【Ma】
- Instrumentation on machining
- Precision machining and mechanism Lab.【Me】
- Image processing
- Signal Processing Application Laboratory【El】
- Innovation
- International Safety Standard
- Intrinsic Instability
- Industry and University collaboration
- Economical sociology【In】
- Imdustrial cluster
- Economical sociology【In】
- Irradiation effects
- Information science
- Information System
- Ice making technology
- Snow engineering laboratory【Me】
- Instruction, Material
- In-situ observation
- Infrastructure planning
- Social System Management Laboratory【Ci】
- Internal Measurement
- Integrated risk-informed decision making
- Jacking method
- kansei engineering
- Economical sociology【In】
- Knowledge acquisition and data mining
- Laser process
- Functional Materials Chemistry【Ma】
- Liquid droplet impingement
- LiDAR measurement
- Liquid crystal
- Electromagnetic Wave Control Device Laboratory【El】
- Learning Support System
- Learning and Knowledge Acquisition
- Light metal
- Lubrication
- Life Theory
- Large-Scale Numerical Simulations
- Legged-robots
- Lithium(Sodium) ion battery
- Functional Glass Engineering Laboratory【Ma】
- Lithium ion secondary battery
- Laser processing
- Micro/Nano Processing Laboratory【Me】
- Laser Ignition
- Combustion and Energy Laboratory【Me】
- Laser-patterning
- Functional Glass Engineering Laboratory【Ma】
- Maritime safety
- Field System Management Laboratory【Sy】
- Metal nitride
- Functional Materials Chemistry【Ma】
- mixture design
- Highway Engineering【Ci】
- Measurement of dynamic phenomenon
- Machining
- Materials for environmental purification
- Machine Learning
- Medical and Human Support Engineering Laboratory【In】 Image Information System Laboratory【El】 Neural Engineering Laboratory【El】
- Machining
- Mechine Element
- Metal oxide
- Functional Materials Chemistry【Ma】
- Metal Surface
- Myoelectric Interfaces
- Management
- Management
- Measurement of snowfall/snowcover
- Snow engineering laboratory【Me】
- Machine tool
- Material processing/heat treatment
- Material processing
- molecular motor
- Motor control
- Microfabrication
- Micro/Nano Processing Laboratory【Me】
- Micro/Nano-structure observation
- Microbiome analysis
- Aqua and Soil Environmental Microbiology Lab【Ci】
- Management system
- Field System Management Laboratory【Sy】 Nuclear Materials and Maintenance Laboratory【Nu】
- Marketing
- Membrane bioreactor (MBR)
- Aqua and Soil Environmental Microbiology Lab【Ci】
- Multi-scale modeling
- Multimedia
- Image Information System Laboratory【El】
- Methane regeneration
- Methane-fueled solid oxide fuel cells
- MEMS(Micro Electro Mechanical Systems)
- Micro/Nano Processing Laboratory【Me】
- motor
- Motor drive system
- Manufacturing
- Nanosecond pulsed electric field
- Environment and Process Design Laboratory【Sc】
- Nanocomposite
- Environment and Process Design Laboratory【Sc】
- Nuclear Fuel
- Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics
- Natural language processing
- Numerical analysis
- Numerical analysis
- Mathematical Design Laboratory【Me】
- Nanosheet
- Surface and interface chemistry【Ma】
- Nano material
- Surface and interface chemistry【Ma】
- Nano-Metal
- Nanocomposite / Orientation and 3D structure control in Hybrid material
- Nanosecond Pulsed Power Application
- Nanosized 3D Printer
- Neural network
- Neural Engineering Laboratory【El】
- Network Service
- Network simulation
- network ecology
- Nonlinear optics
- Metamaterials Laboratory【El】
- Nonlinear Control
- Occupational safety
- Field System Management Laboratory【Sy】 Behavior-Based Safety (BBS)【Sy】
- Optimal control
- Mathematical Design Laboratory【Me】
- Optics
- optical microscope
- Optical elements
- Optimization algorithm
- Organizational sociology
- Economical sociology【In】
- Optical imaging of magnetic domains
- Micro/Nano Processing Laboratory【Me】
- Optical information processing
- Organic fine-chemicals
- Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials
- Organic semiconductor
- Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Crystal Engineeering Laboratory【Me】
- Plasma Chemical Mechanical polishing
- Crystal Engineeering Laboratory【Me】
- Photo electrode
- Functional Materials Chemistry【Ma】
- Photocatalyst
- Functional Materials Chemistry【Ma】
- Plant cell and tissue culture
- Laboratry of Applied Plant Biotechnology【Ma】
- Production and Conversion of Energy
- Picture
- Polar science
- Polishing
- Plastic deformation of ice
- Plant life management
- Plant biotechnology
- Laboratry of Applied Plant Biotechnology【Ma】
- Plant transformation
- Laboratry of Applied Plant Biotechnology【Ma】
- Participatory approach
- Production design
- Precise positioning
- Precision machining and mechanism Lab.【Me】
- protein purification
- Power Engineering
- Electrical Power Engineering Laboratory【El】
- Pattern recognition
- Parameter identification
- Mathematical Design Laboratory【Me】
- Power electronics
- Advanced Energy Conversion Laboratory【El】 Power Electronics Laboratory【Sc】 Power Electronics Laboratory【El】 Electrical Power Engineering Laboratory【El】
- Photoreactive polymer
- Photonic crystal
- Electromagnetic Wave Control Device Laboratory【El】
- Robot performance evaluation
- Field System Management Laboratory【Sy】
- Robot Control with AI
- Environment and Process Design Laboratory【Sc】
- recycle
- Highway Engineering【Ci】
- Reactor safety
- Renewable Energy
- Electrical Power Engineering Laboratory【El】
- Removal of aqueous toxic hearvy metals
- Regional and urban planning
- Social System Management Laboratory【Ci】
- Rural planning
- Social System Management Laboratory【Ci】
- Regulation of disease
- Recovery and reconstruction from disaster
- Rocket Propellant
- Robust Control
- Silicon Carbide
- Crystal Engineeering Laboratory【Me】
- skill acquisition
- Perceptual Informatics Labolatory【In】
- Snow-related hazards/disaster prevetion
- Snow engineering laboratory【Me】
- Snow removal
- Snow engineering laboratory【Me】
- Safety Engineering
- safety big data
- Safety data management Laboratory【Sy】
- Safety management
- Field System Management Laboratory【Sy】
- Stability
- Sensibility analysis
- Safety of machinery
- Behavior-Based Safety (BBS)【Sy】
- Strong ground motion prediction
- Earthquake Engineering Laboratory【Ci】
- shape optimization
- Structural material
- Strength of Materials
- Sustainable chemistry
- Shield tunneling method
- Seismic risk/hazard assessment
- Earthquake Engineering Laboratory【Ci】
- system
- System safety
- System Safety Engineering
- Simulation Technology
- Saving energy and resource of power converter
- State estimation
- Mathematical Design Laboratory【Me】
- Strongly correlated electron system
- Signal processing
- Image Information System Laboratory【El】
- satellite image
- Snow and ice engineering
- Snow engineering laboratory【Me】
- safety datasets
- Safety Related Part of Control System
- sensing device
- Selective synthesis
- Organic Reaction Design and Synthesis Laboratory【Ma】
- Seismic design and seismic retrofitting
- Singular light wave
- Soil mechanics
- Geotechnical Engineering【Ci】
- Synthesis of nano-materials
- Surface and interface chemistry【Ma】
- Steel structure
- Steel Structure and Bridge Laboratory【Ci】
- Surface analysis
- Surface and interface chemistry【Ma】
- Surface chemistry
- Surface and interface chemistry【Ma】
- Snow melting technology
- Snow engineering laboratory【Me】
- Synthetic organic chemisty
- Organic Reaction Design and Synthesis Laboratory【Ma】
- thermal management technology
- Energy Material Lab.【Me】
- Transportation planning
- Social System Management Laboratory【Ci】
- Transportation Engineering
- Social System Management Laboratory【Ci】
- Terahertz wave
- Electromagnetic Wave Control Device Laboratory【El】
- Tribology
- thermoelectic conversion
- Energy Material Lab.【Me】
- Thin film
- Functional Materials Chemistry【Ma】 Accelerator applications and novle material design laboratory【Nu】
- Thin-film thermoelectric devices
- Micro/Nano Processing Laboratory【Me】
- Underwater robotics
- Field System Management Laboratory【Sy】
- Use of snow and ice for thermal storage
- Snow engineering laboratory【Me】
- ultimate strength analysis
- Steel Structure and Bridge Laboratory【Ci】
- Ultrasonic machining
- Precision machining and mechanism Lab.【Me】
- Uncertainty Quantification
- Computational Fluid Dynamics Laboratory【Sc】 Computational Fluid Dynamics Laboratory【Me】
- Virtual Sound
- Volunteers
- Wide-bandgap semiconductor
- Crystal Engineeering Laboratory【Me】
- wavelet
- Web intelligence
- Wildlife animals damage countermeasures
- Wastewater treatment
- Aqua and Soil Environmental Microbiology Lab【Ci】
- waste heat power generation
- Energy Material Lab.【Me】
- Water Radiolysis
- Radioisotope Center【Nu】
- Wildlife management
- X-ray CT