To pursue of surface and interface of materials and creation of new nano-materials
Surface and interface chemistry
- Categories of technology seeds
- Nanotechnology・Materials
- keyword
- Interface chemistry、Nanosheet、Nano material、Synthesis of nano-materials、Surface analysis、Surface chemistry、

Department of Materials Science and Technology
Associate professor
- TEL:
- 0258-47-9317
Funcation and physical property Interface chemistry
Research areas
Our laboratory conducts education and research on surface and interface chemistry of nanomaterials. In particular, our research interests focus on nanosheets based on surface and interface chemistry. Nanosheets can be considered as a unique class of nanomaterials, having an exceedingly two-dimensionality with a molecular thickness.
Main facilities
Atomic force microscope, Polarization microscope, Thermogravimetric analysis, Ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy
Forte of this laboratory's study
Design and synthesis of nanomaterials, Preparation of thin films made of nanomaterials, Characterization such as surface analysis of nanomaterials
Achivements/proposals via industry-academia collabolations
Functionalization of inorganic nanomaterials, Proposals for studying the stability of nanomaterials.
Areas interesting to interact with
Fields where 2D materials can play an active role,
Fields of cosmetics, and so on.
Atomic force microscope
Synthesis of nano-materials