Development of power conversion and power transmission system

Advanced Energy Conversion Laboratory

Categories of technology seeds
Power electronics


日下 佳祐

KUSAKA Keisuke

Electrical,Electronics and Information Engineering

Assistant Professor


Research areas

Power electronics technologies with semiconductor devices is studied in Advanced power electronics Lab. Moreover, efficient wireless power transfer systems is developed by enegy conversion between electric energy and magnetic energy based on the power electronics technologies.

Main facilities

Power analyzer (HIOKI, PW6001)
Oscilloscope (Tektronics, MDO34)
AC power supply (Kikusui, PCR6000WE2R)
DC power supply (headspring, biATLAS-D)
Partial discharge test (SOKEN)

Forte of this laboratory's study

・Application oriented power supply
・Noise reduction of power converters
・High-power efficient wireless power transfer system

  • 22-kW wireless power transfer system22-kW wireless power transfer system
  • High-frequency inverter with SiCHigh-frequency inverter with SiC
  • Isolation system for gate drive circuits with medium-voltage inverterIsolation system for gate drive circuits with medium-voltage inverter
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