Laboratory | Faculty |
Crystal Engineeering Laboratory | AIDA Hideo |
Robotics & Haptics Laboratory | ENDO Takahiro |
Mathematical Design Laboratory | KURAHASHI Takahiko KAMBAYASHI Keita |
Precision machining and mechanism Lab. | ISOBE Hiromi KAWAMURA Hirofumi |
Snow engineering laboratory | KAMIMURA Seiji SUGIHARA Yukinobu |
Computational Fluid Dynamics Laboratory | YAMAZAKI Wataru |
Combustion and Energy Laboratory | KATSUMI Toshiyuki |
Research Center for Advanced Magnesium Technology | NAKATA Taiki |
Nano and atomic scale analysis laboratory | HOMMA Tomoyuki |
Energy Material Lab. | TAKEDA Masatoshi BABA Masaaki |
Nano/Bio Integrated System Laboratory | Kan Shoji |
Environment and Process Design Laboratory | NAKAYAMA Tadachika GOTO Takashi TAKIMOTO Yuya |
Energy Engineering laboratory | YAMADA Noboru |
Micro/Nano Processing Laboratory | MIZOSHIRI Mizue |
Laboratory | Faculty |
Advanced Energy Conversion Laboratory | KUSAKA Keisuke |
Advanced Motor System Laboratory | Yuki Hidaka |
Power Electronics Laboratory | ITOH Junichi Watanabe Hiroki |
Electrical Power Engineering Laboratory | MIURA Yushi |
Imaging and sensing system laboratory | HIRASAWA Takeshi |
Applied Waveoptics Laboratory | ONO Hiroshi SAKAMOTO Moritsugu NODA Kohei |
Liquid crystal device laboratory | KIMURA Munehiro SHIBATA Yosei |
Solar Energy Device Laboratory | TANAKA Kunihiko KANAI Ayaka TOYOTA Hideyuki |
Electromagnetic Wave Control Device Laboratory | SASAKI Tomoyuki |
Metamaterials Laboratory | TAMAYAMA Yasuhiro |
Laboratory for Data Sequence Structure | MANADA Akiko |
Laboratory of healthcare digital transformation | KATSUKI Masahito |
Image Information System Laboratory | IWAHASHI Masahiro HARAKAWA Ryousuke |
Spatial Image Media Laboratory | FUJII Kengo |
Signal Processing Application Laboratory | SUGITA Yasunori |
Neural Engineering Laboratory | NAMBU Isao |
Laboratory | Faculty |
Perceptual Informatics Labolatory | Katsuko T. Nakahira |
Theoretical Life Science Laboratory | NISHIYAMA Yuta |
Medical and Human Support Engineering Laboratory | OIWA Kosuke |
Economical sociology | WATAHIKI Nobumiti |
Strategic,Technology and Manufacturing Management Laboratory | SUZUKI Nobutaka |
Knowledge Media Laboratory | HAYAMA Tessai |
Laboratory | Faculty |
Functional Glass Engineering Laboratory | HONMA Tsuyoshi |
Organic Reaction Design and Synthesis Laboratory | MAEKAWA Hirofumi KAWAHARA Natsue |
NanoBio Materials Laboratory (NBML) | TAGAYA Motohiro |
Laboratory of Glycobiology | SATO Takeshi |
Functional Materials Chemistry | NISHIKAWA Masami |
Stem Cell Technology Laboratory | OHNUMA Kiyoshi |
Surface and interface chemistry | FUNATSU Asami |
Laboratory of Applied and Environmental Microbiology | KASAI Daisuke |
Material Laboratory for Bioengineering | KUWAHARA Takashi KONDO Mizuki |
Laboratry of Applied Plant Biotechnology | Yoshinori TAKAHARA Mitsuhiro TAKAYANAGI |
Laboratory of Environmental Biochemistry | TAKAHASHI Shouji IMANISHI Daiki |
Laboratory for Biological Motility | Ikuko FUJIWARA |
Environmental Nano-materials lab | TAKAHASHI Yukiko |
Plant Epigenetic Engineering Laboratory | NISHIMURA Taisuke |
Materials Science for Energy Laboratory | SHIRONITA Sayoko |
Laboratory | Faculty |
Geotechnical Engineering | TOYOTA Hirofumi TAKADA Susumu |
Highway Engineering | TAKAHASHI Osamu |
Steel Structure and Bridge Laboratory | IWASAKI Eiji |
Concrete Laboratory | SHIMOMURA Takumi NAKAMURA Fuminori YAMAGUCHI Takayuki |
Social System Management Laboratory | SANO Kazushi TAKAHASHI Takao KATO Teppei |
Disaster resilience and reconstruction systems engineering (Remote Sensing) | TAKAHASHI Kazuyoshi SAKATA Kenta |
hydraulic disaster prevention laboratory | HOSOYAMADA Tokuzo INUKAI Naoyuki YAMAMOTO Hiroshi |
Earthquake Engineering Laboratory | IKEDA Takaaki |
Aqua and Soil Environmental Microbiology Lab | HATAMOTO Masashi |
Laboratory | Faculty |
Plasma Dynamics Laboratory | KIKUCHI Takashi SASAKI Toru TAKAHASHI Kazumasa TANAKA Tetsu |
Nuclear System Engineering Laboratory | TAKEZAWA Hiroki |
Nuclear Materials and Maintenance Laboratory | SUZUKI Masahide |
Accelerator applications and novle material design laboratory | SUZUKI Tsuneo |
Radioisotope Center | MATSUMOTO Yoshinobu |
Laboratory | Faculty |
Behavior-Based Safety (BBS) | HOJO Rieko |
System Safety Engineering Laboratory | YAMAGATA Hiroshi |
Safety data management Laboratory | ZHANG Kun |
Laboratory | Faculty |
Power Electronics Laboratory | ITOH Junichi Watanabe Hiroki |
Energy Engineering laboratory | YAMADA Noboru |
Computational Fluid Dynamics Laboratory | YAMAZAKI Wataru |
Environment and Process Design Laboratory | NAKAYAMA Tadachika GOTO Takashi |